Saturday, July 18, 2009

Doing less BETTER and getting MORE done

Life is work is much more focused on specific results. I am doing less BETTER and getting MORE done.

My office is will never be done. It is finally at a place where I can work and do what it is I want to accomplish. My office has been totally transformed since I returned from Texas. Can't believe I got one more piece of furniture in here and still have a nice place to walk around. It actually seems bigger now that I reorged my office.

One of the cheap cool things I added is two small white boards. This is for my I got to get it done NOW or yesterday lists. Without these, too many things got lost on the desk top. This has been a BIG improvement in my desk top which is VERY limited space.

Stu had an overnight sleep test last night so I had my first girls night out with my friend Bev. We invited a few other ladies to go along but they were not available on short notice. We went to one of the micro breweries down by Cardinal stadium. It was a GREAT evening. We even got to watch a desert sand storm while we were in the restaurant. Bev and I decided to do "girls night out" on a regular basis. Next time we'll gather more of our friends together...a plan for FUN and community. Sounds GREAT!!!

In joyful partnership,


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