Saturday, February 22, 2020

The Power of Eight

I started my new Power of Eight class/group a few weeks ago.  Once again, it is proving to be a class that has its own way of showing up for each person in the group.  There are about 16 people in this group.

The Power of Eight is about group intention or group prayer.  The discussion and intention exercises center around a book titled The Power of Eight by Lynne McTaggart.  Below are two links.  One to the book written my Lynne McTaggart and another link to a document about how to start your own Power of Eight Group.  I call this the cliff notes version.

     The Power of Eight and other books by Lynne McTaggart

     A Step by Step Guide to Creating Your Own Power of Eight Group

And another couple of links to videos by Lynne McTaggart.

     Video 1 - About Power of Eight Groups by Lynne McTaggart

     Video 2 - How to Start Your Own Power of Eight Group by Lynne McTaggart

I have now led two Power of Eight groups through my church and taken a class by Lynne McTaggart called the Intention Master Class which lasted a year and had people in it from all around the world.  

I have seen many people receive the intention that was held by their group.  Some of these things were even somewhat miraculous for the people involved.  Lynne mentions in Video 1 above that the most amazing thing she has seen is the changes in the senders or the intenders.  I totally agree with her assessment.  In the groups I have led, I have seen everyone get really clear on what they want in their life and what they don't want in their life.  Many of our intentions have come to pass and even the ones that didn't gave each person a sort of clarity and peace about their life.

The first group I led, which began about eighteen months ago, continues to meet twice a month and I always say...I couldn't break this group up even if I wanted to.  The group definitely bonded in ways that are very amazing.  People who are in the current group will be asked to join one of our groups and I am sure many of them will join and ongoing group.

The book is a good read but being part of an ongoing intention group continues to be the most amazing part of the experience.  I have participated in virtual groups and in-person groups.  Personally, the in-person groups are much more powerful and have helped me find peace and clarity about most things in my life.

May you find peace and clarity in all things.  Abundant blessings....

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