Sunday, March 22, 2020

Adjusting to the new normal

We are all finding our way in this new world and adjusting to the new normal.  COVID-19 has changed us forever.  I believe this change is for our good.  

One of the many changes in my life is my church is now offering more streaming options and setting up more Zoom meetings for us to stay in touch and in community with each other.  For anyone who wants to hear our services, you can join Unity of New Braunfels on Facebook Live, YouTube or on our website at at 11:00 am on Sunday or listen at your leisure after the service.

The cool thing they added this week is a Virtual Affirmation Bowl to help carry on our giving and receiving opportunities during and after our services.  The link is:

            Virtual Affirmation Bowl

As Rev. Gary and Rev. Maggie said in their message last week...finding creative ways to adjust to and thrive in our new normal.  

For me, one of the things I have noticed is that hearing and reading things I may have heard and read before, I hear in new ways.  The quote below was in my daily reading this morning from A Network for Grateful Living,

I know there have never been any guarantees in life but somehow I read and hear this differently then I did before.  It even brings me a deeper level of peace in the midst of all the changes we are going through.

May you and your family be healthy and well in all ways. 

Abundant blessings.

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