Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

As I said in my last blog post, we are all adjusting to the new normal.  I'm sure that when you are out foraging for food and rummaging for supplies there are somethings you find and some that you don't.  I looked up alternative words for foraging and rummaging but decided these were as good as it gets in these times.  Let me know if you think of better words for not finding everything on your list like we had become accustomed to finding.   

I did like the picture I saw online about gambling with toilet paper as a medium of exchange.  Better know as toilet paper poker.  A picture is worth a thousand words.

Today, I was on a Zoom call with others from my church and I mentioned that I had found toilet paper this week at Walmart but not paper towel.  Shortly after the call, I got a text from a guy at my church asking if I wanted a roll of paper towel.  He even delivered it to my front porch....  just like Amazon Prime.

Thank you Wes for your kindness.  Ask yourself, who would you be willing to share your scarce supplies with like toilet paper and paper towel or even something more precious. Remember a friend in need is a friend indeed.

May you and yours be healthy and well in all ways and find everything you need at the store.

Abundant Blessings!




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