Monday, March 2, 2020

Creative Inspiration Circle

I continue to be amazed when one of my dear friends and I come up with the same ideas at the same time and this week was no different.  I read this wonderful article in the March/April Daily Word Magazine about Art As Meditation and it moved me to consider some kind of Visual Journal or other type of regular art/creative projects.  

At the same time she had been reading one of her favorite writers about using art as a spiritual practice.  We walked and talked about this for over and hour and decided we are going to create a group called Creative Inspiration Circle.  We hope to meet weekly in Landa Park on a weekday morning for an hour and a half to act on the inspiration we receive and work on our chosen inspiration/project for at least 40 minutes.

Of course, we talked about agreements and the one we both agreed on is we agree not to offer advice or critique on anyone else's creative inspiration or project.  Another one we agreed on is that we each bring our own supplies etc.  

She has talked it over with another friend today and we are planning our first circle for this week.  My art supplies are packed and ready to go.  

For me, doing art always brings up my lack of abilities or at least my insecurity about being a REAL artist.  In Unity's Fasting and Feasting booklet for Lent this year the topic of today's reading is I fast from insecurity and here is a quote from today's message.

Each of us have held lifelong beliefs that somehow we don't quite measure up.  Those thoughts may arise over and over, especially when we compare ourselves to others.  Yet when we realize that thoughts about our insufficiency exist only in our minds, it becomes easier to release such ideas, recognizing they are not real and do not serve our highest good.

So for today, I am making a conscious effort to refrain from negative self-talk about anything, especially about my creative abilities.  

We are looking forward to this week's Creative Inspiration Circle and I know we will each come up with something that inspires us to create and then create it.

Abundant blessings.

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