Monday, November 1, 2010

Step 5 - The Bliss of Blamelessness (Integrity)

Speak or act with an impure mind
And trouble will follow you.
As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.

Speak or act with a pure mind
And happiness will follow you
As your shadow, unshakable.

The Buddha - The Dhammapada

Habits of Happiness
1. Honor all life.
2. Share your time and resources
3. Take care with sexual energy, respecting boundaries and offering safety.
4. Speak kindly and carefully.
5. Develop a clear mind and healthy body.

Act with integrity in the moment of choice. If something "feels off", whether it's in your job or in how you are relating to others, keep in mind you have a choice. Take an honest look at what you can do differently. Sometimes the choice for integrity can be difficult, but knowing that you're making a choice for your own well-being can give you the courage to take a challenging step. No matter how far you've strayed from integrity, you always have the capacity to turn around and begin again. Aligning your life with your values is a process of development that requires patience, compassion, and continual commitment. But the reward is the bliss of blamelessness. What could be better than that?

Integrity is not just about following guidelines for morality. On a deeper leve, it's about being true to yourself. Are we acting with integrity when we betray ourselves by not developing our gifts and talents? What do I really need to do right now that would bring me greater well-being? Then listen with care to your deepest wisdom--feeling it in your body, hearing the supportive and resonant voice of clarity in your mind.

When we walk the path toward the bliss of blamelessness, our goodness overflows. The joy you're looking for starts with being aligned with your values. As you act with integrity, you become a clear vessel for goodness to move through you and touch others. That not only makes you happy in the moment, but the goodness that radiates out will come back to you many times over.

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