Monday, November 1, 2010

Step 7 - The Sweetness of Loving Ourselves

On top of assessing ourselves as falling short, we add yet another layer of suffering. We close our heart to ourselves. This is the predicament we're often stuck in: We resist accepting ourselves as we are, yet this is what we've got. We can't be somebody else, no matter how hare we try.

Typical phrases for sending loving kindness to ourselves include: May I be happy, May I be peaceful, May I live with ease. May I be healthy. May I have inner peace. To live without anxiety about non-perfection is the key to genuine happiness. Seeing non-perfection as part of our shared humanity, we don't have to take our flaws so personally, although we can take them as a gift to learn from. While grating ourselves forgiveness takes patience, as we practice loving kindness, we plant the seeds that will flower in their own time.

Speak kindly to yourself...That's okay, dear. It's just a judging thought.

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