Thursday, November 3, 2011

Embracing Dying

I Googled "being present and dying" and I found one really GREAT piece by someone named Night Owl which I will quote from and include a link to the whole article. Stu and I talked last night about "being present" at this time. You have to choose every day to be in the NOW not worry about the future or fret about the past. Relationships become much more important when you or a loved one know they are dying. To quote a few paragraphs of what Night Owl wrote.

Everyone dies their own death, and being with someone who is actively dying, while focusing on being present to what they need, moment to moment, and learning to still the endless chatter of one's own ego fears - this is the gift the dying give to the living...

While it is impossible to not have opinions, judgments, attitudes, hopes and fears while being with someone who is dying, the work of focusing on their needs, their life, their wants, while setting your own aside for this time, is a spiritual discipline worth doing. And as you hone your ability to focus in the present moment, ground, center, attend to the needs of the person dying, even when it is yourself, dying becomes a ritual that rivals birth in its sacred presence.

The whole article is much longer and a link follows:

I am sure I will find and read many more things that are inspiring and help Stu and I both be present, at peace and remember that dying is the last phase of growth. From my perspective, Night Owl said another thing that sums it up.

The dying hold up a mirror to our hearts and give us an opportunity to see ourselves....This is the gift the dying give the living.

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