Saturday, November 30, 2019

Extended Family and Soul Circle

In a recent post, I mentioned my siblings and extended family.  It delights me that all of my siblings are still alive and all live in Texas.  This is one of the reasons I chose to move back to Texas after my husband Stu made his transition in 2012.  

My siblings and I only get together once or twice a year and we are lucky enough to have some of our children join an annual gathering we have in October.  However, most of our children and grandchildren have many other families, commitments and jobs that keep them away from our gathering.  They are always in our hearts no matter how far they roam.

In retrospect, I made a great decision to move back to Texas and my hometown of New Braunfels after my husband's death.  Believe me I had my reservations.  I always say I love it here and I am glad it is not the same small town I grew up in.

One of the many things I love about New Braunfels is it has a Unity Church which I have been an active member of for nearly seven years.  Through Unity I chose to travel the journey of becoming a Licensed Unity Teacher (LUT) which has led me down many interesting roads.

In addition, I am active in the community in many ways.  In 2013, I became a Texas Master Naturalist and have enjoyed this outdoor volunteering ever since.  I also am active on the Homeless Coalition and on the task force for the Cold Weather Shelter for the homeless.  Another thing I picked back up when I moved back is being active with the local Habitat for Humanity affiliate.  I even coordinated their repair ministry for a few years and now am active on their Women's Build group and their Repair Ministry.  I have been volunteering with Habitat for Humanity for over 21 years.  

Through all these activities and a few other fun things I have cultivated a close circle of friends.  I have named these people my soul circle and I hold them close in many ways.  I value their friendship, their love, their counsel and their wisdom among other things.  Each one of them is a unique and gifted individual in their own right but together I think we hold each other to a higher standard and we all make a difference in our own special way.

I have no need to mention them by name but I have told each of them how special they are to me and that my life wouldn't be the same without them and they have said the same to me.

These friends may not be the same as my extended family in which I grew up in but they are some of the most special people in my life, I treasure each one of them and I could not imagine life without them in it.  For many years, I have known that my life does not depend on one special relationship, a specific job or even a house but my ability to create these.  I have not been interested in a real job in a long time but I know I count on my friends to be there when I need them and for me to be there when they need me.

Thank you dear friends and family for the difference you make in my life and in the lives of many others.  You are a blessing and may you be abundantly blessed.


  1. You are a blessing, too, Cathy

    When I look at my soul circle, I see it is peopled by those who have been close in geography for a while and then moved to a greater distance. They are forever in my heart. Having moved many times and lived in big cities where the population is transient, I love dozens of people deeply who are simply not around. This includes my family, who also live great distances away. While my soul rejoices at our eternal connection, my more concrete human form responds to the people who are here, now, for the daily walk of life: my husband, my workout buddy, the inquisitive people I talk through life with, the generous people I create with, and the beautiful people I work with. Simple, daily interactions with these people make life a joy. Even the smile of a stranger weaves itself into that joyful fabric. My hope is that, as one day yields to another and yet another, two or three smiling loved ones will reveal themselves to be constant and present for the inevitable course of life. These survivors I am grateful to for being in my "life circle", here for the real deal.

    So far, my friend, you are in it. Thank you.

  2. Thanks dear friend. Our almost daily walks and talks are something I look forward to. Glad you are part of my soul circle.
