Sunday, May 17, 2009

Blog is ready for prime time viewing

Well I just declared my blog ready for prime time viewing. Drum roll please. The blog name and link are: Ramblings of a Gypsy Soul

Hopefully, you will be able to access my blog and find it interesting enough to come back and visit on a regular basis. If you have trouble accessing let me know. We'll figure it out. Please, please, please feel free to comment right on the blog about anything I write or say. Ask question. Tell me I am crazy. Point me in a different direction or whatever else you have to share. If you want to do this in private, send me an e-mail at There should be a small Comment link in the middle at the bottom of each post for you to leave your thoughts and ideas right here in the blog.

I would love to hear from you. Let's have some fun and make a difference in our lives and the lives of others.

In joyful partnership,


Cathy the Teacher

P.S. My Web page will be up soon. But I've been running and playing pretty hard and fast lately so the blog is it for now.


  1. You can sign up to follow this blog on the middle right side of the screen. You can also move around by clicking on the blog archive bottom right. I am just getting a feel for this and I've had some questions so I decided to post a comment with a few tips on how to follow and move around. Hope this makes it easier for you. Please post comments or e-mail me if you have problems and/or questions.


  2. Please post comment or send email if you have any questions about the blog or find it confusing about how to get around.

